Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
the Defenition of "Aigoo"!! credits, copyright thingy and all those complicated stuff goes to Urban dictionary!
i mention it over and over like it's a magic spell. so i think you might wanna know the definition of aigoo
something to say while sighing in korean. kinda like "aw man" also said when one wants to sigh but cant
old lady: aigoo, i have only a few years ahead of me
teenager: aigoo, i have so much homework
darwin: aigoo, i ran out of ramen
Korean Word showing frustration and exhaustion. See "Cham nah" or "Seh Sang Eh...(showing awe)
Stupid kid: Wait.. So x + 3 = 5
Korean kids: yeah...
Stupid Kid: SO x = 5!
Korean Kid- what?! Aigoo.. You idiot..
Slash: Hey what's your phone number. I checked "Torch" and it was under on my cell phone.
Torch: Uh, did you check under "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Torch?"
Slash: ...Whoops
Torch: Aigoo...
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
udah lama ya gak ngepost
I've been wandering bout you for the last like, 33 hours.
it maybe sounds idiotic or insane. and wrong.
wrong, but very honest too
anyways, here's my favorite new quotes by Ms.Dewi
"dewiindiani: Ya ampunnn, kalian itu. Tapi, seru kok itu. Saya waktu di semabel juga gitu. Paling seneng kalo uda ujian karena bisa duduk bareng kakak2 ganteng,hehe..
dewiindiani: dinikmatin aja, selama ga kelewat bates"
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Jam : 12am WIB
Hari/tanggal : minggu 29 november
Tempat : Setiabudi building 21.
Film : New Moon
cuma buat 2nd generation-sorry-.
ngumpul di samping tempat game coin's booth yaa
jam 12 TENG udh hrs nyampe!!!
kalo ga gue bacokk!!!*ga lah paling gue sambit pake apa gt*
yaudah yaa thanks for your attention
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Falling For you - colbie caillat
I don't know but I think I may be
Fallin for you, droppin so quickly
Maybe I should, keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I
Know you better
I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I'm trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh I just can't take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you [x2]
I'm fallin' for you
Oh no no
Oh I'm fallin' for you"
I'm fallin for you.
Selasa, 03 November 2009
you know, I've been checking out some articles.
that mentioned that Kim Joon, likes to, you know check out the Internet just to
check out if their fans are writing something about them,
anyways, the main topic now, is about TMAX!!!
so, just like what I told some of you I love the song "PARADISE"
but oh my goodness, Check. THIS. out!
it's reeeaally cool!!! awesmacking!!
anyway, i love it. aaand maybe some of you heard of this song before.
here I give y'all a link.
aaand some other treat for you guys who open this wit your black berries.
for you who just don't feel like clicking the link to see the video and lyric
but ya know what! you can still check the lyrics out!!
Yo this one here goes out to all my playas out there ya kno got that one good girl whose always been there like ya
Kno took all the bullshit then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leave
I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda sworn I was dreamin, for her I was
Feenin, so I hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova these few years, tryna figure out wat I do to make it go bad, cuz
Ever since my girl left me, my whole life came crashin
I'm so lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Cant belive I hadda girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put u thru u still stuck
Around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, I
Really wanna make things right, cuz without u in my life girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Been all about the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing u
Cuz aint nowhere in the globe id rather be, aint noone in the globe id rather see then the girl of my dreams that made me
Be so happy but now so lonely
So lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girrll
Never thought that id be alone, I didnt hope you'd be gone this long, I jus want u to call my phone, so stop playing girl and
Come on home (come on home), baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished Id ever
Hurt my baby, and its drivin me crazy cuz...
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girll
Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, (so lonely),
Mr. Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), Mr. Lonely
Kim Joon if you're reading this please came to indonesia we love you Tmax's awesome BBF's awesome YOU're awesome.
and if you guys just wanna believe me, I knew a girl who learned this song all night and keep practicing from, like 10.00pm until 1.00am and locked herself in her room reading the text over and over for the rest of the night. isn't she crazy or what!!
oh, wait, that's MY story.
oh, well, whad'ya know, after all, I am a Schmegeggy!!! (? I really should count down on watching the nanny)
Kim Joon, 100 of thanks I give you for singing this song.
if you never did sing the rap part, I just might never learn how to rap.
I might never know how much fun i can feel just by rapping. thanks.
Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009
Note : loves to play outside.
my sist let him out side in my gran's house (ps: confuses him, apparently)
no one ever found him after that. hope he's okay now.Nahuel just like kucing hutan. since he's the fast one.
emang gue sengak ya?
semoga aja ngga.
gue g pernah maksud jadi sengak kok jadi kalo ada yg nganggep gue sengak maaf ya
gue beneran ga maksud kok
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
Snowball Lullaby
hey guess whaatt??
Angora. manis bgt
gue KAGET bokap said yes. abis bokap tuh biasany ngelarang Bgt.
aanyways kan ada 2 rabbits.
yg satu yona yg pilih the white one. angora. named Snowball
yg gue pilih buluny item-putih kea panda gt. mukanya kea om om.
kalo snowball gamau makan dari tgn org. tapi pas d taro makanan deket muka dia d kandang, langsung serbu gt.
kalo Lullaby mo makan apa aja, di mana aja, dan kapan saja!! (main point: tukang makan) tapi sering bgt dy makan carrots on my lap. biasany kalo udh selese makan dia diem dulu. begitu d taro di kandang langsung *srrr* digestive systemny lancar bgt! ga boong!!
kalo bokap udh masukin foto2 dari camera ntar gue upload foto mereka
Senin, 28 September 2009
Minggu, 27 September 2009
Beautiful Quote *I've been forgotten of this one for a long, long time.*
Open the Door to thy true love here!
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool in the greenwood shade."
-Frog Prince
[the Frog prince Fairy Tale]
hokaaay ini udh agak lama tapi yahh kinda funny sih
in Reaction keluarga gue pas gempa
Rumah Gue
gue : Mmm-hm, gempa, yaaa yaaa,,,, mah, kenny mo ke kamar dulu mo ngambil hoodie sama novel, yaaa yaaa...
Yona : ntar mah Dvd yona.... baju yona.... yaaa yaaa
Nenek Gue
(Di Carefour)
Nenek : kok goyang? sih? hmm, gempa ya. oh ya gempa.
Nenek Tis(naik motor)
Nenek Tis : mang2, kok pada keluar rumah sih?*nanya ke tetangga, ga nyadar soalny abis naek motor*
Tetangga : ada *apa gt bhs sundanya gempa*!!!
Nenek Tis : HAH??? ADA MONSTER YAH??
Mas Iqbal(diceritain Nenek Rat)
Lagi naik motor,
Orang2(O2): *keluar2 rumah * GEMPAAA GEMPAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I : *berentiin motor* ada apa pak?
I : ............
I : ........................ aya Naon?
ada beberapa lgi yg lucu sih tapi gue males ngetik, so yeah.
Selasa, 22 September 2009
Goodnesssss Me!!
guesss whaaaaatt???
I got an.

o yeah everybody.
it's an award!
*norak lo ken*
AND!! I'm going to give this AWESOME award to:
1. Kak Ayu!
2. Arisa san!
3.Kak Masya!
4. Kak Naziiie!
Click to See their Blogs!
1. Juragan Jengkol menuntut Balas
2. cilpilicious
3. anind
4. bojes
5. andin
6. ocky
7. Indira
8. Nadya's Days
9. Your Alter Ego
10. NightFall
Click to see their blogs!
Aturannya begini : sebelum kamu meletakkan link di atas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat ya, kalian semua harus fair dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah..
1. Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
2. Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
3. Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
4. Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
5. Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
6. Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
7. Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
8. Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
9. Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
10. Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125
Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO kamu sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, kamu juga mendapatkan traffik tambahan.Nah, silahkan copy paste saja, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website kamu di posisi 10. Ingat, kamu harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika kamu tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10."
Jumat, 18 September 2009
I addopted 2 Babies.
web : Babydow
my Identifier : KennyBug
my Babies : Ian(boy) Wanderer/Wanda(girl)
Addopt yours!!! they are very cute babies!!
and if you wanna sign up and made your own account.
you might need my Identifier name if they asked you who's your mentor.
Selasa, 15 September 2009
Few Changes. New Banner!

aand I changed this Blog's name into "Nightfall"
Sketch's Copyright belonged to Burdge-Bug
Senin, 14 September 2009
Arisan Keluarga
jd gue mo cerita soal arisan sabtu kemaren, yaaah awalnya biasa aja sih.
tapi pas udh maleman dikit gt,kan ka Virna ma ka Vega dtg.
nah nyokap blg ke gue "ke, ajak ka Virna main sana" dan gue bales dgn tatapan "what do you think I am? a six year old girl? what do you think ka virna is? an eight years old?"
nah trs kan ge gabung sama kakak gue, ke ruang makan nyokapnya di lante 2 jadi sepi gada tamu gt. trs bikin cheese sandwich. makan, nah abis it kan nyokap ka Aisha dtg blg " Aisha di bawah ada virna vega tuh, ajak Vega main sana" gue keselek gra2 pgn ngakak, ka aisha ngerang, "eeeeeeegh mama apaan sih! yg ada aku ngajak virna! kok ngajak Vega!ntar Vega jadi kayak boys Before flyers(temantemanku tercinta*huekkk* terutama sesama fans BBF, Chillaaaaxxxxxx!!!!maksud kakak gue "Boys Before Flowers!!")ntar bikin baru! BBG! Boys Before Girls!!!"
trs kan akibat d dorong oleh nyokap gue dan nyokap kak aisha gue dan ka ai pun turun ke tamu2 dgn niat bersosialisasi*ya ga gitu lah*
nah sampe bawak kan ka ai rada ragu2 gt d depan tangga, nah nyokapny liat trs blg "gapapa kali sha, ke sini aja. YG COWOK JUGA SODARA KOK" okaaay keanya kinda rude yaaa kalo gue ngakak. ka Virna ketawa sedikit ka Vega senyum Ka Aisha Merah
daaaaan kitapuuuun KABUUUR!!!
lo bahkan gamau tau apa Excuse kita ^_^
ps : eh yg ga suka jgn pada marah!!!
reunian madina *mimpi.*
jd ceritanya gini
kan lagi reunian madina angkatan taun 2008-2009 Bukber!!!
haaahh-- pgn.
jadii yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
ceritanya pada seragaman cowoknya-- kaos+Tux+celana terserah asal item--
kalo cewek *ok gue curang mimpinyaa!* atasan terserah+ Skinny item(gapake Jilbab)
settingnyaa, kalo lo pernah ke persada halim, kan ada tempat di sebelah kolam renangnya. di situ kita makan2 ngobrol2 ada yg nyanyi2 tapi kita ga hire singer---budget mepet sweet things.-- yg nyanyi anak2. tapi suasananya informal gitu. yup, GUE BAWA KARTU UNO.
cerita :
jadi kan awalnya kita main2 uno, awalnya cewek2 angkatan gue, trs cowok2 ikut, trs nabila nambahin kartunya, zahwa nambahin kartunya, trs ade2 kls anak bola banyaaak bgt yg ikut *hm, di samping gue ada yg ngelirik2 atalla* trs anak2 yo yo ikutan di ajak sama faiz kharis *kharis ikut bareng anak bola*.
eh ternyata anak yo yo ada yg bawa kartu. yaudah tambahin lagi, nah kka kls ternyata jg main uno *segitu kangenya gue main uno*
and so we play Uno together, beberapa guru jg ikut.
yaudah lah krn banyak yg ikut kita mulai dari awal lagi. nah anak2 yg baru masuk kan yg kea nyelip2 gt*kea apaan nyelip2*
NAH pas bgt gue lagi ngakak2 bercanda sama apap faiz *ngegossip biasa* tiba2 "dia" nyelip di antara faiz gue. lagi ngakak gue apap faiz bareng2 BERHENTI. faiz sok ngajak ngobrol biasa semuanya
faiz : mana sini kartunya! gue kocok!! *ngocok kartu, bagiin*
(ngomong ke dia) ehh!! lo tau ngga. *conf d sensor* hhahahahhaaa*ngakak garing. gue apap sok mendengarkan. nyengir.*
dia : ehh, hahahahah *ga ngerasa tense lagi naik.
gue sama apap kan lg pegangan tgn, kerasa bgt beat nadi kita berdua makin cepet.
trs dia kea ngajak ngomong gue gt. gue otomatis gigit pipi bagian dalem gue supaya sakitnya nyeimbangin jadi gue ga senyum, bibir gue sempet geter though :D
gue langsung gigit bibir keras2. gehh gue bisa ngerasain aroma garem-karat-something I don't know dan rasa darah di mulut gue.
--tapi abis gt gue jg ketawa pas dia ngejoke.--.
trs udah azan anak2 makan, main Uno pun terlupakan.
gue apap nabila ke tempat parkir duduk2 d trotoar depan VW Kodok LUCU BGT GUE GA BOONG WARNANYA IJO MINT trs ada antenanya gt kan biasanya di tutupin topnya pake bola busa gt. nah itu BENTUKNYA EYEBALL!!!! aah! gue pernah liat it di pameran VW !! lucu bgt! awalnya VW super lucu itu nyita perhatian gue. tapi gue nbaru nyadar kalo ada org lagi megangin hp duduk di Kursi dpn *tmpt nyetir* gue awalnya ga nyadar it syp tapi ternyata itu DIA. yaaa gue gapake mikir2 dulu lagi langsung blg
Gue : WOI. ngapain?
Dia : EH hah? eh, OL.*megang hp*
Gue : gue gtau lo suka VW?
Die : eh, ya. ini pny temen. minjem.
seperti biasa, dlm mimpi, EVERYTHING'S POSSIBLE
tiba2 apap muncul*WAH peran apap banyak*
afaf: keeeennnnyyy!!!!! beliin *something, klo g salah soda apa gt*
Gue : but I ain't got a car!!!
Dia : gue bawa kok
afaf Gue: *cengo, ga boong*
Afaf : ehhh yaa beli di Indomart deket sini aja! belokan ke 2*blablabla*
Dia : Ok, naik Ken
Gue : eh? udah lo kok gue ikut???*nada suara gue jd tinggi krn panik*
Dia : lo kira gue pembokat lo*narik ke seat sebelah dia*
mobil jalan
Gue : .....
Dia : Ken sekolah lo gmn?
Gue : ehh biasa aja. ada guru Killer ngincer gue.
Dia : wah.
Gue : ...(dalem hati "ya, WAH")
Dia : ya nyampe, beli sono.
Gue : *keluar mobil. beli, balik*
Dia : WAH Cepet.
Gue :*nyengir*
Dia : what cha waitin for? get in.
Gue : *masuk* eh, lo gmn d madina?* THE OLDEST QUESTION *
Dia : Nothin Special. still the same. eh, FOTO BOX!!!!*ya kawan2. tua sekali bukan*
Gue : (dlm hati: ada ya? tempat Foto Box outdoor di Indonesia?)hm.
Dia :*markir deket foto box* foto!!!
Gue : hah??
Dia : mo foto bareng ga!
Gue : kalo mo foto knp g pake HP aja?
Dia : ah elo! ga dramatis!!*narik GUE ke Foto Box*
about 1 or 2 minutes later
TER CETAK LAH 3 frame foto. (2 kecil, 1 gede)
Gue : yaampun... gue.... kea apaan...
ya teman2, foto2 itu sangat lah parah
foto 1(kecil)
frame : bola basket di pinggir bawah kiri. di sisi2 lainya ada kea garis2 ngegambarin angin gt, pusaran warna abu2 *JELAS ini frame pilihan gue*
posisi gue : ngeliatin dia, expresi g bsa d tebak, antara sayang sama geli
posisi dia : mata membesar kaget mulut bentuk persegi panjang berdiri pokokny mukanya ga nyante bgt.
Foto 2(kecil)
frame : Dr.Evil yg d austin Power di pinggir bawah kanan. alis Dr Evil naik mulut kea lagi blg "u" trs ngacungin jari kelingkin d dpn muka (frame pilihan dia)
Posisi gue & dia : kembaran sama Dr.Evil
*kembar 3 yg tidak lazim*
Foto 3(gede)
Frame : garis item polos(kesepakatan, gue gamau yg norak2)
Posisi Dia : expressi sok keren, alis kanan naik sok serius
Posisi Gue: ngakak liat expressi sok keren dia, sampe nangis.
gue pilih frame 2 buru2, yaampun! ini kocak!!
dia masang muka bete yg nyaris aja gue fall for.
trs dia ngambil foto1,masukin ke dompet--awwh lucunyaa--
gue selipin foto2 ke buku the host yg secara ajaib gue bawa2
nah, the main question is...
Gue : yg gede digimanain nih?
Dia : MAKAN!
Gue :*melotot kaget*hah??!
Dia : ya gak lah! aduh! udah, tinggalin disini aja mamer hasil keren buat the next photo box user!*nyopot kertas lapisan di belakang foto, oh. ternyata itu stiker!(baru nyadar, goblok bet lo ken)trus dia tempelin itu ke sebelah kamera foto box, dasar perusak fasilitas umum!(sok apaan lo ken)*
Gue : eh! balik2!! ntar gue disambit afaf!!
Dia : OYA!!!
scene2 selanjutnya
1.naik mobil
2. kelamaan belinya gue d ajak suit sama apap*inside joke, kalo dtg bukber d rmh naaabs waktu it pasti ngerti.*
3. makan2 minum2*noo too bad gue ga bakal boleh minum champagne, and so are the rest of the kids. kita minum2 sprite, fanta, coca cola dll di pinggir kolam.*
yah, pretty much gtlh mimpi gue, sorry 1 scene gue ga tulis abis udah lupa yg jelas it has something to do with a GIANT SIZED TEDDYBEAR.
Sabtu, 05 September 2009
Beautiful quote
It's not the voice but what you say.
It's not how you look in that body but the things you do with it.
You are beautiful."
-Ian O'Shea
I ♥ ? - Taylor Swift
They said love was complicated,
But it's something I just fell into.
And it was overrated,
But just look what I created,
I came out alive, but I'm black and blue.
Before you ask me if I'm alright,
Think about what I,
Had to do... yeah,
Wake up and smell the break up,
Fix my heart, put on my make-up,
Another mess I didn't plan.
And I'll bet you thought you beat me,
Wish you could only see,
I got an "I ♥ ?"
Written on the back of my hand!
I'd be fine if you'd just walked by,
But you had to talk about why
You were wrong and I was right.
But I can't believe you made me,
Sit at home and cry like a baby,
Wait right by the phone every night.
And now you ask about you and I,
There's no you and I,
Remember what you put me through,
I had to...
Wake up and smell the break up,
Fix my heart, put on my make-up,
Another mess I didn't plan.
And I'll bet you thought you beat me,
Wish you could only see
I got an "I ♥ ?"
Written on the back of my hand!
And when you're home all alone at night,
You'll still wonder why
You took everything I had, oh baby.
I haven't thought about you and I,
There's no you and I, and I know
Someday you will...
Wake up and smell the break up,
Realize that we won't make up,
It didn't go the way you planned.
And you'll know you didn't beat me
When you look down and see
I got an "I ♥ ?"
Written on the back of my hand!
Written on the back of my hand!
An "I ♥ ?", yeah.
Written on the back of my hand...
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
mmm, can't decidee
so I had this new poem, but I just can't decide what should I name it!!
so anyways, here is it
"the last flower petal of the season just fallen
but there's something in me blooming
looking for the thief who got my heart stolen
lyrics of the song I've been singing
the stars glows in your eyes, sky truly is endless
sun ray and wind dances with your hair
the eyes I'm looking at truly are fearless
Moon light plays on your skin so fair
Time goes on but love would stays
our eternal blooming meadow shall not fade
Love will wait Years Months Weeks and Days
it will come to us and bring us out of shade
The song that Ive been singing
The song that I've been writing"
in case some of y'all haven't get the note yet.
they said that it's okay to Ignore your grammar to create rhymes!!
it's an exception for lyrics poems sonnet and stuffs!!!
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Sew itt!!!
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
kurang sial apaaa coba gue hari ini?
it started pas gue chating sama nerissa.
first one,
ohh beauty, gini ceritanya
Nerisa INDS: Hahaha
I think you two should really going out,, you have lots in common haha.
for example?
Nerisa INDS: **********
The most obvious thing yaaaa and?
man I love *********
Nerisa INDS: Ummm... You have the same.. what?
Nerisa INDS: Shoe.. Maksa hhhahekk
*keselek es teh*
Nerisa INDS: Hahaha ner brb gue mau ambil minum keselek(gue keselek beneran)
aduuhh punggung gueee potek deh
jd kan abis gue keselek es teh gra2 ngakak pas chating ma neriss.
gue lari ke ruang makan nenek gue*lg d rmh nenek!*
*gelas d ruang makan abis* ada poddle d depan pintu dapur gitu! aah!
daaan GUE PUN KEPLESET! jatoh duduk punggung potek kaki keseleo
3. ketumpahan sirup
jd abis gue melewati beberapa*ok 2* kesialan d atas. gue balik ke komput.
lg minum sirup nih, sambil baca nguping jakarta.
NAH gue ngakak. kalo tadi keselek aja.
4. kangen banget sama dia
everything remembers me of him! aah! *bleepp* I missed you SO MUCH!
trs I just couldn't help it but smiles pas gue tau sia masih make sepatu ituuu
hmm tambahin cerita tambahan chating gue sama nerissa aaaah!
Nerisa INDS: Brarti nykp lo tau klo lo ska **** ga "suka"tapi "sayang"
bahaha iiiya
nekat ngga sih
Nerisa INDS: Whoaa lo tau ner
Nerisa INDS: Bgt! nyokap gue kan buka usaha jualan sejadah2 sama alat solat buat anak2 sama teens
nah untk sekalian iklan nyokap mau bikinin gue
jd gw(mau) bawa k sklhn gue (biar iklanLOL)
nah kan gue bikin sendiri modelnya
jd sejadahnya siluet gitar item-putih gt
mukena ma bawahan jg
bawahanya gue bikin pake velcroe jd ada ruffles gt. kan ga biasa
*nah loh jadi iklan*
ntar kan sejadahnya bisa d lipet jd tas.
d luar tasnya tapi bukan nama gue yg d jait
tapi "*bleep*'s"
Nerisa INDS: Weeew nekat bgt lo! Well gpp sh kalo gue bawa ke mis itu baru nekat ner
klo d putra mah bodo deh satu sekolah tau jg
aaah pokoknyaaa cleanin stuffs up dlu dh*beresin meja komput. berdoa keyboard gapapa, TERNYATA KEYBOARD INI BAIK2 SAJA TEMAN! YAYY!!*, udh beres, buka kenny kev's. ngetikin semuanya. bca ulang. edit sanasini. sensor sanasini. aand DONE!
tinggal ketik
PS: untuk semuaanyaa gue minta maaf ya klo gue pny salaah! :)
selamet puasa :D!
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009
*sigh* *yayy*
sup readers?
tadi ikut lomba tarik tambang. 4*ato 3?*GAME!!
padahal belom makan pagi, belom minum.
duit cma 10.000
arsya nyerahin posisi ke gue. kakinya sakit.*gue dpt posisi hasil mohon2 tuh*
ketemu "dia"
ngeliat "dia" ktawa beberapa kali.
dia paskiib
MENANG TARIK TAMBANG JUARA 3!!(juara 1.2 kls 8.9)
ooohhh who's the daddy noooww 7th graderss???
*GJ lo ken.*
aahhhh kangeen sama "dy" Madinaa
aahhhh kangeen sama anak2 angkatan 2
aahhhh kangeen sama anak2 Madinaa!!
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009
otak gue lg dlm frequensi yg sama sama bokap.
Kenny : hahh-- pengen gt ya, kalo pas weekend tiduuur sehariann. gausah pergi kemanamana.
Bokap : Well, Welcome to the Club.
Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009
UGH-- he knows it very well how to drive me CRAZY!!
Boy, you got me goin Crazy!
Jantung gueeee
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009
ketemu dia hari sabtu kemaren pas peringatan isra miraj!!! *SMP PUTRA*
well, I'll just shorten the story for y'all.
lagi jln d Koridor. papasan sama dy.
Gue : *ngelirik*
Dia : *ngelirik*
Gue : *Kesandung*
lagi abis d bagiin snack sama makanan d mesjid. gue lg minum.
Gue : *ngeliatin*
Dia : *senyum*
Gue : *keselek*
okay i liked someone else.
tapi g seperlimapuluh ny gue ska "dia"*anak madina*
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009
HUAAA!! INI DI MANAA???? Mammmaaaaaa Kenny Nyasaaaar!
lo tau gue tadi nyasar naik angkot
gue salah naik 26
nyasar sampe ke depan metropolitan mall
kan d dpn MM ada gang2 gt
gue masuk2 k stu duit tinggal 3500
udh nyampe tmpt namanya gabus raya ato apa
gue tanya aja sopir angkotnya "pak pak, emg pangkalan ojek deket sini mana ya?"
gatau tu org dendam apa sama gue. dy blg "itu d situ. ade turun aja"
yaudah gue turun pas gue tanya ke mba2 tukang jualan mi bakso apa gt
d dpn alfamart gt. katanya "oohh deeek, deket sini mahh gada ojeeek! paling kamu kluar sana ke metmall. d sini adanya becak"
detik itu juga
gue merasakan dorongan yg sgt kuat untuk nguber dan ngebunuh tukang angkot tadi
kta mba2 tkngy mi bakso it
"kamu naik angkot ini aja!!(nunjuk 05) ntar ada gang. kamu lewatin sampe 3 kali. gang ke 4. kamu turun." "trs kamu msk gang itu. ntar kluar2 d metmall"
yaudah gue naik tu angkot eh ada ibu2
blg "mo ke MM ya de? saya juga! ntar jalan bareng aja! kan nyebrangnya bahaya tuh!"
demi manners gue jawab "iya bu, makasih." padahal suara udh begeter. mo nangis
yaudah akhirnya gue naik angkot ma tu ibu2 yg bawa anak trs turun
jalan bareng udh sampe dpn MM dy tunjukin pangkalan ojeknya
gue nyampe kyk g bsa brenti blg makasih ke ibu2 it
gue jg rada bingung soalnya
jdi. akhirnya.
lo tau berapa memalukanya itu?
well, gue jawab.
Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without
Drew talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight
'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do
He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
have y'all heard of
"there's a tiny little difference between passion and poison. and love contains BOTH"
*o yeah I made it*
I wanted and I've tasted the "Passion" so, now's the time to take the "poison"
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
:) :) :) :)
sup readerss?? heeeeyyy
I'm so happy I wanna dance so badly.
so yasterday I went to MIS aand gueessss whaaaa??
I'm not even sure about my face color and my temperature.
i saw him smiling. he looks at mee aand ah ga ah ntar pada tau lagi. :P
I don't know why but it feel just awesome when I realized he hadn't forgot me
gue jg blm cerita ttg suatu cerita pas gue d MOS
jd ada ank. dititipin barang apaaa gt pas lg d mos
nah jd kan yg nerima kka osis. asumsi gue si nama tu anak
"alfredo bell" tapi yg d umumin mlh
gue langsung nutup mulut. kan ga asik aja gt klo gue ngakak ndiri.
"ALFRED OBEELL!!!! eh, alfred obeell??? hhahhahhha kok namany gt c? hha ALFRED OBEEEELLLL"
ngikik diem2 lah gue. abis ga tahaan!!!! namanya udah kyk gt d treakin lagii!!!
poor guy. steady there Budd.
teruuus apa ya? ooohh yaa
eh yaa buka Deviant art gueee pleeeeaseee??? baik deeeeh
*oh iya doong*
terus td gue bru tw. ternyataa osisny tuh dah susah2 bgtt buat ng-MOS angkatan gue.
jujur gue malu abis angkatan gue ADA YANG GAPAKE ATRIBUT SAMA SEKALI
yaampuun.. muka gueee hadooohhh gue wakilin deh buat semua anak angkatan gue
"maaf ya kaak!! kita dah nyusahin bgtt!!! makasiiiiiiihhh bgt. MOSny tuh keren bgt!!!"
*ternyata malah MOS putra paling seru. d Labsky ma MIS ga di apaapain yaampun.*
kereen bangeeettttt!!! aduuhhh seruuu ga rugi gue masuk putra!!!
anak anaknya seruuuuu
guru2nya kereeeeeeeeeeen
senior seniornya baiiikkk
so Damn "wow"
and I wrote something on quizilla
"at first I thought I don't like you anymore
feel kinda stipid for what I felt before
I mean, I Really do miss him Insanely
but being away with you doesn't hurt me that badly
but the second you looked at me in the eyes
that Lovebug sting me again. I've got hit.
your warm and deep eyes melts my ice cold heart
it's the Sensation I feel everytime our eyes meet
my heart warmed and melts as you stare
it beats faster and then I can start feeling it again
Love is a feeling that I could never Compare
I've got to see you again cuz I just couldn't handle the pain
I love you.
I miss you.
I need you.
and now. I'm addicted to you."
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009
whoo!! hari terakhir MOS!!!
gue saking girangny nyampe pgn nari2 gjls. :P
gilaaa pengalaman ny asiiik!!!
yg MOSny g heboh kyk gini Rugiiiii!!!
kka Osisny c g Galak2 cma Tegas.
tapi kykny ad yg keenakan nyampe g pke atribut sama sekali.
Nyari Mati Abis Tu anak. :P
emg perauran sklhny heboh2 bgt.
superstrict. klo sikapny kyk pas d mis d sini dah d Skors ato lbih prah kli y??
tadi gue baca buku peraturany. NOO BAAD WOORRDDSS!!!
WHAT THE HECK?? mati deh guee..
tpi it justru jd challenge tersendiri*bwt gue c*
Displayny keren2~!!!
huaahh!!! tapiii kok basket ma futsal gada displayny???
kan bis show murid2 baru beberpa move.
ngajak tanding ank bru kek.
msa gada siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii????????
sedih gueee yah tpi gmna pun gue bkl msk basket
ktany basket tuh sering bgt tandingnyy!!!
*saking seruny nyampe ngomong g napas*
trs tdi ad beberapa kejadian lucuuuuuuuuuuu bgt
dan jujur. td tuh yg soal angket2 osis. wow. parraah
trs tdi kykny ad beberpa gosip jg
*gue lg gmn pun kuping tetep d pasang*
tpi yg ngebosenin? kok ttg ka Bintang smua c?
GAHH gada co laen? ap ank2 pda ska dy??
yaampunn. *tpi klo pda ska kok dy dpt "terculun"d angket?*
Girls ARE Complicated.
EHH!!! dan gue ngasi surat k dy waktu it bkn krn
gue ska dy ato mikir dy pling mending dri pda osis laen!!
klo gue trying to impress someone ngapaen gueksih dy
selembar kertas berisi tulisann kta2 ternorak yg bisa gue bikin??
yah. jd buat *beeeeeeeeeeeep* *beeeeeeeeeep* ma *beeeeeeeeeep*
(nama d sensor demi keamanan org yg berangkutan) BACA TUHH!!
gue tetep ska ma .. well, "him" yg dulu.
kykny dlm waktu deket ini gue bkl k MIS. mo ngasih tulisan2
pesankesan.. ma "Look after my
heart — I've left it with you."
hhahh!!! boong2 g se dramatic itu kli. tenseny gausah naik gituu!!
tpi emg si yahh hahhhahha
Rabu, 15 Juli 2009
Love Letter
hmm gue td dpt tugas ngasi surat cinta k OSIS cwo.
aduh. perut leher tgn kaki ma bahu gue langsung brasa aneh.
trs keringet dingin.
"hah?! surat cinta!? gimana bikiny??"
gue jg g trlalu afal nama osis cwo.
nak krn afaf kmaren d suruh blg osis bernama bintang baik.
jd gue ingetny dia. yauda lah. gue tulis surat k dy. baruuu seleseee
krn ad beberpa yg wonders isiny gmn(ha? gada?), nih.
For K Bintang
My Insecurities are my Fault
My love will always be Yours
My Heart is locked like a Vault
But With Writing it’s an open door
Hope you could Understand the Pain I feel
And Realize Why
I’d try to explain but it’s so surreal
Hurts so much it makes me want to cry
And when you smile I can See the night Sky
Hiding in your eyes that both glows like stars
“My Reason to Know Love
My angel from above
You are my light
You give me sight
And for that reason
I Love You”
“Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate”
Done. thx for people that have been helping me to get a good mood.
and thx for afaf and nanda. so then I remembered.
"I'm not the only one that would look silly tomorrow."
and I felt a SO MAJOR SUPER sorry. almost all of those words are actually dedicated to "him"
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh---------I miss Him.
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009
so, I actually Dreamt about MJ.
seinget gue si. gue liat dia NTN MEMORIAL DIA DARI SKY ABOVE.
Billions of people crying their eyes out for him.
at first. he looks sad when he saw his Children yg msii kcil2.
trs dia liat fans2ny yg lg nangis2 jg.
dia liat tmen2 dia.
kluarga dia.
he smiles when Jermaine sang "Smile".
he sings too when Jermaine sings "Smile".
he sings when everybody sings "We are The World".
he sings when everybody sings "Heal the World".
he saw the world said they Love him, They miss him, and so much more.
expresiny g bsa d tebak. trs dy blg
"thank you, thanks everybody, I Love you too, Thank you..."
he thank everybody, he said that he loves his fans too.
mukany bener2 face of an angel. dia kykny terharu bgt.
nyampe Tearing. he smiles like an angel.
as Beautiful and Calming as the Sky.
he also give some quotes
"In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We'll Cry
Happy Tears"
"Keep on Smiling
even When your Heart is Aching."
"I Love You all. Thanks for Everything, I Love you----"
and then he Fades Away.
*g, mxt gue gambar2 d mimpi it fades away.
bukan MJny yg ngelakuin Move Fade Away.*
"he's a Prince that came out of a fairy tale book.
he's a cupid that always spreads love everywhere.
he's a Wave of Peace that calms people down.
he's an angel."
trs gue bangun. ade gue ternyata Nimpuk Gue Pake bola Basket gue yg gue taro d Kamar.
Aduh. Sialan. yonaaa!! you.... TYKE!!!!
I really Miss My Friends.
Afaf Nanda Nerissa Nabila Tamara Alyssa Zahwa Faiz Rais Adhi Alfin Faqih Althaf Chandra Fadhil Mirza Abdul.
he's not online Today.
I miss Him SO Much.
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009
MJ's Memorial.
few days ago. Thousands Pairs of eyes watched MJ's memorial. are yours one of em?
jd gue ma nyokap ntn. yah, tpi nyokap g trlalu konsen. gue yg nyampe kyk mtany dah d paku k TV.
gue yg udah nahan2 g nangis. pas Brooke Shields Speech?
pertahanan gue AMBRUK. nyokap gue lg chating nyampe kget gue ng-Sob2 depan TV.
gue pas liat itu d cut nyampe langsung kyk "HUANJIIIIINGG!!!!!!"
"HUHU GGA P,PUNNNYAA H,HHATIII!!!" Sambil nge Sob Tentunya.
gue jujur jg rada sakit pas bagian Usher nyanyi. nangiiiis
trs pas Kobe Bryant ma Magic Johnson. wow. cool. so freaking cool.
yang ikuut!!! gue ngiriiii!!!! hhuhuhuhuuu!!!
gue bener2 bengong pas dia main gitarny Human nature.
feelingny k rasa bgt!!! and I always Love that song.
slese main performanceny john Mayer? NANGIS LAGI
ah! cengeng lo ken!
Bodo! susah?
Iya! knp!
In Our Darkest Hour
In My Deepest Despair
Will You Still Care?
Will You Be There?
In My Trials
And My Tripulations
Through Our Doubts
And Frustrations
In My Violence
In My Turbulence
Through My Fear
And My Confessions
In My Anguish And My Pain
Through My Joy And My Sorrow
In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part
For You're Always In My Heart.
- Will You Be There
I'm so glad That I found You
- I'll Be There
and then I realized.
He was Even More Fragile Than I thought.
- Brooke Shields' Speech (book : the little prince)
his Laugh, was the sweetest, the purest, and the most beautiful thing.
seeing his smile Everything's Gonna Be okay
- Brooke Shields' Speech.
Keep on Smiling
Even When Your Heart is aching.
and then I realized. he was even more angel-like than what I used to Thought.
and, believe it or not,
teruss! ktany Magic Johnson pernah main k rmh MJ
trs mkan KFC bareng sambil siting on the floor.
NGIRIII!!! *sabar ken*
and, some people, right now, Gossiping Bout Prince Hating his Father just Because he ate Gum at the show.
I think it's okay, sometimes, chewing helps me hide my feelings (weird, I know)
and just lik ewhat I said on my Facebook Status.
"PEOPLE!! why did you Judge Prince? I think it's Rational for Trying To hide your emotions. and HE"S A GUY. would you be seen as a Guy that Cries in Front Of the WORLD?? anyway, his eyes are a little bit red. isn't that bad enough loosing MJ? should he be gossiped TOO? use your Fucking Heads People!!"
agak jahat emg, tpi, yah. emosi si :D
daan dia OL tdi. aaaaawwh!! *apasi?*
gosh, Gue kgn diaaa!!
Senin, 06 Juli 2009
Stupid Questions.
I wanna let you know that, I'm in Love with Kevin Wu's Videos.
so I Decided to put something here. this one is from his video called "Stupid questions"
You know when you're young.
your teacher or your coach go tells you stuffs like,
"don't be afraid to ask. there's no such things as stupid questions."
that's retarding! well, of course, there's such thing as a Stupid questions
for example the other day. I was Playing Basketball right?
one time, I went up to grab a rebound. but, as I was Coming Down.
I landed awkwardly on my 2 ankles. So I'm like a Drama Queen Okay?
as I was Falling to the ground. I yelled out "Aaa!!! MY ANKLES!!!"
you know, Try to make it Obvious. I guess my friends catch on that I was hurt.
because one of them came up to me and ask
"is there something wrong?"
"no, no, NOTHING's're in the middle of a
Basketball game. I just like to Randomly Cry in Pain"
so Einstein over here finally figured out that there's something wrong. so then he asked
"uuuuhhh... what part is bothering you?"
what are you? an Idiot? both my hands, are Grabbing my ankle.
and, and I even yelled out "AA! MY ANKLE!!" as I was Falling.
FINALLY he was like
"okay, I guess you're hurt. I'm gonna go find an Ice Pack or something. to help your ankle"
"uuhh.. thanks!"
hhahah god Bless you Kev. for being such a Patient Human :P
and so I found this comment from one of his fans
and there's a part that he told us that one tinme. He wanted to brush his teeth. and he asked his friend
"hey, Dude. can I borrow your toothpaste?"
and he was like "...............what for?"
"for my armpits. okay, I need tooth paste, for my armpits. isn't that what we use toothpaste for?"
so next time your teacher told you that there's no such thing as an Stupid Question. ask him
"can you take off the pants? is that a stupid question?"
no, no he's kidding. don't really ask them to take off their pants.
Edward's Diary.
I found something today on
Dear Diary (Edward’s Diary)
July 4, 2009
I couldn’t have prepared myself enough for how deeply consumed I would become with reading Edward’s Diary. It’s been absolutely heartbreaking reading the black book with the red ribbon wrapped around it. The one from before Edward met me.
I’m not ready to post one of his diary entries yet, but one quote from what I’ve read so far has stood out more so than anything I’ve read so far -more than anything Edward has ever said.
“The days flow into the nights. There’s no separation between the two. I have nothing to live for - yet here I am, a blood-thirsty immortal. A vampire. I wish Carlisle would have let me slip away, let me die. I was only a few breaths away from resting in peace, forever. Instead, I’m stuck here, trying to figure out what the point of my existence is exactly. Trying to fight my urges - wanting nothing more, yet nothing less than to be a masochistic monster. Although I know Carlisle had good intentions, I also know for certain that I have no intentions of living forever. My destruction wont be easy, but in the end, I know I cannot live in this dark, lonely world forever. Nothing will stop me from eventually abandoning this perplexing, abstruse existence of mine. Nothing.”
When I think of a world without Edward, all I see is a dark, black hole. Nothingness. It’s hard to digest the fact that Edward could have had himself destroyed, and that what we have could have so easily never existed. Renesmee… immortality… eternal love…none of this would have happened. If I never would have met Edward, I wouldn’t have ever known what unconditional love was. I would have never known what it’s like to love someone so much, that you’d give your life for them. To be with them, always.
Reading Edward’s diary, so far, has made me appreciate him more than ever - if that’s even possible. My understanding of the things he has had to ensure is becoming more and more clear with each page I read. Edward’s writings are so powerful, so profound. It was all written a long time ago, too - and it can be hard to understand at times, but Edward helps me with the parts that aren’t clear to me.
Earlier today, Jacob was visiting - spending time with Renesmee, of course. Edward and Alice went to go look at this years Porsche Turbo’s together, which meant I had some time alone to kill. In that time, I managed to read a rather large chunk of the black book that had the red ribbon on it - that I now use as a bookmark. I stumbled across one entry of his that I would like to share with you next time I write.
For now, I’m going to see what Charlie’s up to. I think he was mentioning something about him and I hunting together. I have to admit, it’s odd when bonding with your Dad goes from sharing a pizza and running through the days events at the dinner table, to tackling wild animals and drinking their blood together.
td gue liat something d Youtube yg kyk nanya2 ttg if you could have a superpower. what would you be?" d Youtube Live.pas bagian KevJumba
Kev: I would like to be able to...Fly.
guy: Okay, so if you could fly. where would you go?
GUe: Fly...Fly... Flyyyy........... To your heaarrrt...*dgn gjlsny*
gosh. i missed him. as I told people on Facebook. I spoke Song.
"Well how long, can I go on like this,
Wishing to kiss you,
Before I rightly explode?"
"Well all I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me"
I missed him SO much.
I missed everybody so much.
I had a Lot of things to say;
I love you. I miss you. ect.
"when will I see your Face Again?"
Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
jd td gue ntn Blade of Glory.
pas bagian ntn videony gue tuh kyk terkagum2 gjls gt pas liat Video Iron Lotus.
yah. pretty much like this.
*girl and Guy jumps*
Gue :Whooaaaa............
*Girl and Guy Landed*
Gue :Whooaaaa............
*girl's head Fell off*
I cried.
what should a 11 year old girl feel after seeing THAT Death scene?
it looks more dramatic if you seen it from a big screen LIKE A TV
and. so. I found this guy. his name was Kevin Wu.
he was cute. he was funny. he was cruel. he was AWESOME.
open my Facebook (Links) if you wanna see his video. it called "girl are just like M&Ms"
you also could look for him on wikipedia. using his stage name. "KevJumba"
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009
I found something silly on youtube today.
comment on one of MJ's Video
What the hell, you sound silly.
Anyway, they were married for 2 years. I can't imagine a young couple not having sex for that long.
I think it's stupid and I'm agreed with PinkyxOmgg
trs ad jg yg blg
"why did MJ married to Lisa Presley?" ato ap gt
trs jwbny
"that because he couldn't marry Elvis Presley you Fool!!"
world has gone crazy. whatever. my life sucks without him.
I misses him, I misses MJ. I Misses all of my Classmates.
I misses my teachers. I misses My Juniors and Seniors
*even some of 'em I haven't even talk to*
I misses suara2 brisik yg bkl ng-welcome gue tiap gue kluar kls.
I misses everybody's Shouts. Screams. and Yells.
gue kgn suara ank2 nendang bola.
gue kgn suara bola basket yg d dribble d lpangan sempit madina
*biasany bola gue d colong ma ade kls, d balikiny kapan tau.*
gue kgn suara mba kantin & mba ria nagihin bon.
tpi pling kangen? gue kangen suara dia lg ktawa.
hh. I misses everybody like crazy.
kmaren gue dah berhasil dan g numpahin air mta smpe sblm tidur.
hri ini? not so well. td gue liat nma dy d banner HP gue dan..
here they goes. shit. well,
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
I wanna Share you Guys some music.
so I found this song on Channel V. I think it's Awesome!!
The Show - Lenka
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why
Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause its to much, yeah its a lot
To be something I'm not
I'm a fool, out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show
The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spot light
The people follow the signs
And synchronize in time
It's a joke, nobody knows
they've got a ticket to the
Yeah, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show
da dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
hooh. I'm Worrying about "him" right now. g ol2 si. hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh!!! ngeseliiinn!
gue tuh campur aduk bgt deh.
ya kangen. ya khawatir. ya pgn k toilet(loh?) eh slh2!!
pkokny campur aduk deh!!
gue boseeeeeeeeeeen bgt d rmh. mikiriny dy mulu.
Dasar Lo Perfect Guy. well actually he's not that perfect.
some even said he's ugly. yah. iyaa jg si..
tpi gue rsany lupa smua it. lupa smua slack dy pas
liat senyum dy. mata dia. muka dy.
denger ktawa dia. suara dia.
haaah!!! udahudah!!! bikin org makin kgn aj! *syp jg?*
eh? kok g rame ya?
*brisik lo ken*
ah udah deh. cape gue
Kamis, 02 Juli 2009
so I'm ADDICTED to 2 lovely song right now.
so I get you guys the Lyrics.
somewhere Over The Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up highCrazier
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can't I?
I've never gone with the wind, just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Til you open the door, there's so much more
I've never seen it before
I was trying to fly but I couldn't find my wings
But you came along and you changed everything
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier
I watched from a distance as you made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe.
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier oh
Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier crazier crazier
now. QUOTES!!!!
Addressed to him--of course--.
skalian Clue syp dy :P
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true
-Somewhere Over The Rainbow
yaah. dia kan Dreamer
Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore.
I watched from a distance as you made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe.
he do show me something
yg dluny gw cma bsa "look" tpi skrg dah gue udah "see"
yaudah lah
Selasa, 30 Juni 2009
Chat with Faiz *Nyokap*
muahaha!! nyokap gue Chating ma Faiz.
jd langsung kta lihat CUPLIKANY *nada peniros*
Maula Faiz: aduuh
kok gtu c
masa bsk berembuk
bsk jga kls kta gt loh iz
Maula Faiz: hadooh
males gw
ad c duit
tpi klo kyk gtu
nnti lom siap2nya
klo mo outbound
pasti hrs bawa
bju gnti'
jdi gmna nih?ad yg hrs dbawa? (NYOKAP): bawa aja baju ganti ma duit.
Maula Faiz: iy dah
ap kta loe
acara aj ribet bgt
-_-' yg ptg fun aj de
Maula Faiz: iy2 gw off ye
Maula Faiz: ok2
bye eh
it nyokap gue
Maula Faiz: hekk
masa gw ngobrol ma nyokap loe lo g pingsan kan iz?
Maula Faiz: serasa sumpah td gue
Maula Faiz: aaaaaa
masa gw ngobrol ma nyokap loe!!!
ah ken
nakutin loe ken nyokap :enak kan ngobrol ma nyokap gue?
eh sumpah
Maula Faiz: adoooh
*maap2 wuahaha
aduuh huahahahhaha
Maula Faiz: waaah
ngerjain y loe aumpah (sumpah)
demi allah
Maula Faiz: hekk
*sabar y iz. gue ma nyokap emg sakit gt deh*
bagaimanaKAH nasib FAIZ?!
kita tanya *goyang pala* GA.LI.LE.O
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009
I misss Him Like Crazy!!
maaf gue dah menelantarkan ni blog dah sekian lammmaaaaaaa!!!!!!
tpi jgn salahkan bunda mengandung(?) eh? loh? salah!!
jgn salahkan .... apa y? pkokny don't blame anyone deh!!
jdi gue mo naro 2 Quote yg pling mencerminkan perasaan gue saat ini!!
heaaahh!!! * bacot lo ken*
anyway. Quoteny ni..
"my life was like a moonless night. very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."
"You are my everything darling, my sun, my reason, my being. My soul is yours, your my gravity, my earth revoloves around you. Your the stars in the night sky and the reason I wake up in the morning. Your light blinded me and I am permanently succumbed to you. I love you,"
“I’m here, and i love you, i have always loved you, and i will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second I as away. When i told you that i didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blashphemy.”
“You are my life now.”
klo ktemu gue pengeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen bgt blg
"Ive lived without it for as long as i can stand"
I'm Signing off now
so it's time fooorrr...
since I wrote this at night. and at night people sleep. soo..
“Dream Happy dream. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours,"
Senin, 22 Juni 2009
sorry I can't tell ya'll
aaahhh!! my mom's calling my name!!
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009
hri ini tuh sehari gue penuh Event. jdi gue critain 3 terbesarny aj
pagi 8-11
Graduation Ade Gue .
aduh ngapain si? mending ada yg kakany dtg.
org isiny anak KB&TK ma nyokap2 smua
gue pu mojok bak curut di pojokan mesjid.
bokapun natap gue kasian.
untungny bokap bawa kamera jdi gue bsa fto2.
sore 2-4.30an
nonton LA Streetball.
aduuhhh!!!! gila. nonton LA Streetball 2 stengajaman DOANG!!?
gue sempet bikin video ma moto2.
klo lo kira acarany rame,
hell to the no. sepiiii sepiiii sapeiiii *peace*
gue bener2 g percaya klo gue g tw klo dunia yg kyk gt exist dalem 11 taun idup gue
it's just... "whoa" klo mo liat buka album gue di FB
malem 8-10.30an lebih
Nonton Graduation
sebagian besar sih gue nontonin dia.
*pemandangan terindah di dunia ; matany pas ktawa/senyum*
Mr Brian asik. pidatony singkat. padat. jelas.
aduuuhh. siapa yg d wisuda kok gue ma afaf yg nangis ya??
trs nginep d rmh apap.
sampe2 d rmh apap kta b2 langsung ambruk.
udah deh. gue masih pgn nulis tapi klo gue tulisin ntar pada tau syp "dy" it.
Jumat, 19 Juni 2009
Mind Games and Riddles!! *thx for Double Trouble. Jake and Josh!! the best!!*
Mind Game : Are You Smarter Than A Werewolf [HOTTEST GAME IN LA PUSH!!]
Find the, S in the paragraph of eights.
find the 'I' in 'N's
Find the : in ;
~ Jacob Black
Riddle 2:
so today after we *grade 6* done our rehearsal.
we do some interview for our Year Book.
trs beli bakso--eh mie gt. nah kita lagi duduk2 gt.
karena alvin blm selese. anak2 yg lgi d tmpt bakso tsb
pada treak2in dia nyuruh ng-interview anak basket cepetan sblm pada plg.
syp gt : alfin ma mikiriny juan mulu *secara ada Satrya d stu*
Gue : wah? nyeremin
Fadhil : iy. kyk althaf ni!! suka gue!!
Gue : loh? bkny terbalik yah? gue kira lo yg ska althaf.
Nerissa : JANGANJANGAN JUAN JADIAN SAMA ALVIINN!!?? wuahaha! *heboh heboh*
Nanda : Segitiga Dong sama Faiz!
Anak2 : HAA??
Afaf : kan waktu it pas juan nyariin faiz Ms.Dewi blg "juan tuh naksir Faiz ya?"
Gue : WUAKAKA!! waah. cinta segitiga yg aneeh... I couldn't even Imagine it.
BagaimanaKAH. PErasaan FAIZ??*goyang pala*
kita tanya. ga-li-le-o. *nada Feni rose*
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Chat with Faiz
trs lo tutup mata. bayangin
Maula Faiz: trus klo yg lebih pendek it jdi lebih panjang. yg panjang it jdi lebih pendeh.
Maula Faiz: yaaah
itu mah
ilusi g
otot sama tulang kita ngelakuin instruksi otak soalny
Maula Faiz: wow
brarti eh iz
Maula Faiz: klo mo model rambut gmna knp?
Maula Faiz: tinggal dipikirin donk gtw
Maula Faiz: jeeh gue sih maunya muka
Maula Faiz: hahahaha jdi kyk kristen stewart :P
Maula Faiz: klo gw c
pgn nyaingin c robpat (g akan izz :P canda2)
ma tom cruise
LOL aduuuhh
gue sakit peruuuut
Maula Faiz: y g laah
bgini jga dah cukup
g perlu jdi sp atw sp asik
tua lo
faiz lo tua bgt deh.
makin tua makin tau gue tau *loh?*
Rabu, 17 Juni 2009
I Thank God I came to school Today
oh. me? Incredibly Awesome.
so Today I went to school.
but NO ONE of my class member goes there.
well, I don't Regret it Anyway!!
as everybody else get outta their Classrooms for taking a break.
I went outta Grade 6's Class room and sat down anywhere near the field to watch Him.
our eyes met like 15 - 16 TIMES!!!
should I be Happy or Aware??
--anyway .
it's LAD. no. not lad. LAD.
it's Laugh All Day *maksa*
dri tdi gue d lapangan ktwa trs.
pas plg jg I found out something about him that made me laugh.
ada acara "Revenge " gt. yah. can't tell all of it to you. everybody got access to my blog right?
pokokny ANAK KLS 6 YG G MSK RUGIII!!!!!*napsu gt ngomongny*
tpi yg ngeselin. g aman bgt gue ngeliatin dy. kyk ada alarm ato apa gt. dy pasti nengok k gw. padahal gue cma berani ngeliat dy pas dy lgi ngebelakangin gue. aduh. kok pas matany ktemu mata gue *iyeaaahhh bhsny!!* jdi kyk ksetrum ya?? aduuuuuhh!! GOOODD what's wrong with meee???? everybody said gue pnya slera aneh..I'm nuts and Insane. NOTHING is sane dlm "gue ska dy" DAN GUE NYADAR!! tpi ko msii ska?? aahh RIBET!!!
"What's the problem baby?"
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love, think about it every time
I think about it, can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love
Makes me wanna turn around and face me
But I don't know nothing about love
-Accidentally in Love
ooh shit..
I'm Addict--- no. I'm Inffected.
trs... gue gtw ini gue aj yg penglihatany bermasalah.
ato dia ngeliat gue? g. bukan yg pas gue "busted" ngeliatin dy.
pas gue lgi ngeliatin ade kls yg KEBETULAN lgi ad d sblh dy.
trs pas gue lgi ngeliatin satpam2 . kykny. dia ngeliat gue.
DANG!!! gue langsung nyembunyiin muka gue yg dah PUANAAASSSS bgt.
trs... suara gue getting better!!! O YEAAHHH!!!!! *apa coba*
yaampuuun..... gue g jls bgt.
udah lah.
oh Shit.
hri ini ktemu dy.
pas pagi sblm pergi.
tpi bentaaaaaaarr bgt.
pas balik abis fto2 dy dah pulang --Holy Shit--.
trs kan gue d jmpt. nyampe rmh gue buka komput.
and DANG gue jdi ska streetball.
well, I can't. but I love to Watch :P
gue jdi gila gini. dri tdi gue surfing internet.
ada beberapa blog that had really caught my eyes.
Sebelas Ballers
well, I'll blame the internet.
trs gue liat Interview ma Insane.
he IS Insane.
Petikan di bawah ini adalah wawancara via e-mail (unedited) dengan Richard dan akan dimuat di Suave Magazine edisi 53, Januari 2009 (edited).
> 1. Kapan pertama kali kenalan dengan dunia basket?
(Hmmmm, kenal basket SD. Itu juga ngk sengaja gara-gara pas jam olahraga kasti di outdoor ujan jd pindah ke aula. Ngedadak guru gw bikin game masukin bola qtu ke ring basket. Karena bareng sama cewe-cewe jd semangat gw masukin bolanya. Hahahahaha, lucu juga .. saat itulah gw ngerasa enjoy sama olahraga ini. Unsur ‘Fun’nya tinggi bgt .. Kayanya itu deh awal gw kenal basket !!)
> 2. Siapa pemain basket profesional yang langsung menjadi idola saat itu?
(Idola saat itu?? Kayanya baru pas SMP gw punya idola deh .. Ngk jauh man, Michael Jordan yg bikin semangat gw untuk ke lapangan basket terus buat ngulik gerakan-gerakannya biar persis kaya dia .. Mpe melet-meletnya juga gw ikutin !! Dasyat tuh Kang MJ .. :)
> 3. Kenapa basket? Bukan bulutangkis atau sepak takraw?
(Karena seperti yang gw bilang td, gw menemukan unsur FUN di permainan ini. So, ngk ada paksaan buat gw untuk mempelajari lebih dalam lagi. Jd everytime gw main basket, itu emang bener-bener berangkat dari ‘hati yang mencintai permainan ini’ .. Cinta itu ngk gw temukan di bulutangkis (walaupun gw sempet jago jg dibulutangkis .. Juara 1 Tujuh belas Agustusan ngk jelek-jelek amat kan ?? :) karena awalnya rasa cinta itulah akhirnya gw memilih basket. Gw baru sadar man klo ada istilah “FOR DA LOVE OF DA GAME” Dalem bgt !! Dan gw udh dapat mengerti arti itu ..)
> 4. Sempat main di tim pra-Kobatama, lalu kenapa banting stir serius main streetball?
(Sebenernya masih pengen terus sih di basket konvensional (Klub Scorpio Jkt), tapi gw waktu itu harus kuliah di NHI,Bandung karena uang kuliahnya murah .. Hehehe, Sempet gundah juga sih pas ninggalin basket konvensional cuma ternyata Tuhan punya rencana yg lebih baik atas hidup gw .. yang akhirnya dia mempertemukan gw sama yang namanya streetball (yang notabene membesarkan nama gw samapi detik ini) Thx GOD for lead my way all the time ..
> 5. Apa kelebihan streetball dibandingkan basket konvensional?
(Streetball ngk dibatasi oleh apapun, tidak ada batasan umur, tidak ada yang ngatur kita untuk begini atau begitu, dan yang lebih penting kita bebas bermain dan mengekspresikan permainan kita lewat sebuah game .. Kita juga dituntut untuk memberikan sesuatu yang baik kepada banyak pihak. Penonton dalam hal ini. Mereka meupakan sumber tenaga, inspirasi dan semangat di setiap permainan. Berkat kehadiran merekalah, sebuah energi permainan seseorang akan meningkat levelnya tanpa di sadari .. Itulah kelebihan streetball di mata gw man ..)
> 6. Bagaimana perkembangan dunia streetball Indonesia dibandingkan tempat lain di dunia?
(Streetball Indonesia masih sangat jauh perkembangannya dibanding negara lain dalam segala hal. Contoh kecil, Treatment ke pemain!! Streetball Indonesia ngk bakal bisa berkembang dengan pesat seperti negara lain klo masih di’setir’ oleh banyak pihak yang mikirnya cuma ngeraup keuntungan lewat streetball itu sendiri sama orang yang selalu berpikiran ‘aji mumpung’ .. mumpung streetball amsih booming, jd masih bisa dapet duit disitu !! Damn .. Org-org kaya qtu tuh yg ngk pernah mikirin streetball. Makanya concern gw cuma satu, kita harus banyakin liga streetball, jgn cuma tergantung sama liga streetball yang dari tahun ke tahun bisanya cuma ngerubah konsep aja .. PARAH MAN!! Mau dibawa kmana ini semua ?? Sedih gw klo ngeliat streetball Indonesia ..
> 7. Apa visi dan misi membangun komunitas streetball (Future)?
(Awalnya sih kita (FUTURE Streetball) punya visi pengen jadi panutan buat komunitas streetball lain di Indonesia karena Future merupakan komunitas streetball pertama di Indonesia dan misi nya cukup dasyat pengen nama Future Streetball dikenal oleh banyak pihak dalam hal ini Negara RI dan negara luar ..)
> 8. Apa visi dan misi membangun sekolah/camp basket streetball?
(Visinya membuat sebuah sekolah streetball dan freestyle yang berdaya saing tinggi baik secara regional, nasional maupun international dengan tidak meninggalkan nilai-nilai edukasi, sportivitas, nasionalis dan talenta sedangkan Misinya mampu memberikan dan menciptakan calon entertainer di bidangnya (streetball dan freestyle) yang berdedikasi dan berkwalitas. “Its not about quantity but its all about quality” (terbukti kan Juara Freestyle Contest LA 2008 kemaren Juara 1 dari Masa Depan Jakarta dan Juara 2 Masa Depan Bandung .. Berhasil kan Misi gw ..
> 9. Kenapa sekolah streetball? Kok bukan basket pro aja?
(Karena gw pengen menjadi ‘bapak’ yang mewadahin para calon streetballer dan para streetballer itu, dan gw berangkat dari hati bukan materi man .. Tolong digaris bawahi !! kebanyakan dari mereka masih dalam tahap pencarian jati diri karena luapan rasa ingin tau yang masih meledak-ledak .. so, gw pengen streetball jadi salah satu luapan rasa ingin tau tadi, toh positif kan .. ketimbang jadi negatif luapan-luapa td .. Klo basket pro udh banyak ‘bapak’ nya .. Hehehe, klo streetball kan blom ada ‘bapak’nya .. :)
> 10. Darimana mendapatkan julukan “Insane”?
(Gw dapet dari baller Australia namanya Steve, dia udh pernah liat AND1 di Ausie dan ketika dia lg di Indonesia ngk sengaja dia liat gw main di Lap.ABC Senayan (saat itu memang gw keluarin semua tricks dan moves yang gw kuasai tanpa menghiraukan apapun yang penting gw enjoy main ..) Eh, ternyata si Steve ini ngeliatin gw dari awal, malah sempet teriak-teriak qtu pas gw nge’trick’ pemain lawan .. Dan pas terakhir dia samperin gw sambil ngomong ‘Dude, ur insane man !! Great game ..” akhirnya kita terlibat pembicaraan kecil dan begitu gw ceritain ke temen-temen kampus di NHI, Bdg (Qting, Japra, Ryan, Abah sama Willy) mereka sepakat bilang ‘pke aja tuh kata-kata insane buat nickname loe chard. Loe emang GILA sih klo lagi main’ .. From that day, everybody start to call me insane .. *oya, gw jadi inget kata-kata Alimoe “The real key to get ur nickname is when u played outside” .. Jd emang nickname tuh pengakuan dari orang atas permainan loe, bukan nyari dikamus tau menurut kita KEREN !! Streetballer kita salah kaprah !! KACAU ..
> 11. Bagaimana pendapat lu tentang dunia basket Indonesia (keseluruhan)?
(Yang gw perhatiin sih dari dulu kayanya cuma masalah SDM sama pembinaan yang ngk merata di setiap daerah. Mungkin karena SOP yang berbeda di tiap-tiap daerah taw gmn gw ngk ngerti .. Ada beberapa yang sudah terlihat Pro, ada yang masih parah bgt !! So, kita memang memerlukan banyak pihak yang memang mau bekerja di dunia basket ini dengan ‘hati’ bukan karena ‘aji mumpung’ td .. Dan coba diperhatiin lagi kesejateraan pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam hal ini elemen terkecil. Biar roda perbasketan Indonesia bisa bergerak .. kan selama ini terlihat diam mpe rodanya nyatu sama tanah !! Hiks ..
> 12. Pernah lihat sinetron yg ada adegan basketnya? Bagaimana menurut lu?
(Pernah !! Ngk ngerti mau kamana arahnya? Talent yang terlihat dipaksa untuk main basket .. dan figuran yang ngk ngerti basket .. Hahahaha, Parah !! Emang basket bukan yang utama sih ya di negara kita makanya jd asal-asalan ngemas segala sesuatunya .. Tenang, saat ini mungkin seperti itu tp gw percaya koq suatu saat nanti akan ada saat dmana basket akan menjadi prioritas no.1 di Indonesia .. Amin ..
> 13. Kalau dua selebriti ini minta diajarin basket, lu pilih yg mana, Ivan Gunawan atau Ruben?
(Ivan Gunawan .. Tinggi dan Besar, jd gampang ngajarinnya .. BODYnya aja udh basket bgt, cuma paling klo dia udh jago main basket gw minta barter di bikinin design kostum basket yang keren sama dia .. Hehehehe,
> 14. Hampir setiap sekolah di Indonesia punya lapangan basket, tapi prestasi basket kita (bahkan di Asia Tenggara) nggak bagus-bagus amat, kenapa nih?
(Itu dia man yang gw bilang td, basket di negara kita kan bukan prioritas utama .. Dan juga bukan olahraga utama. So, lapangan basket di sekolah-sekolah itu cuma sebagai syarat dan standart aja buat berdirinya sebuah sekolah, biar keliatan punya fasilitas olahraga. Ketimbang mereka harus bikin lapangan sepak bola kan? Mending basket .. Jd sisa tanah yang buat lapangan bola bisa buat bangun gedung lagi buat tambah pemasukan .. hehehe,Bis gw pernah liat lapangan basket yang dipake main futsal .. Sedih bro !!
> 15. Pelajaran paling berharga apa yang lu dapet dari main basket?
(Banyak hal sih yang gw dapet dari main basket .. Salah satunya adalah pedoman melayani bukan dilayani, memberi dan bukan diberi. gw pernah membuat satu keluarga menangis karena gw kasih duit Fee perform tampil Freestyle gw untuk bantu biaya berobat seorang bapak penjual kupat tahu langganan gw pas di kostan. Gw biasa ngutang soalnya, pas gw pengen bayar utang pas abis dapet duit dari freestyle koq tuh bapak ngk lewat2 udh 3 hari, tanya sana-sini? dapet informasi ternyata tuh bapak lagi sakit keras. Bener !! Pas gw dateng si bapak emang lagi terbaring ditemapt tidur ditemani istri dan 2 oarang putranya yg masih kecil2. Iba gw melihat itu, akhirnya duit freestyle gw kasih aja semua sama amplop2nya buat ke dokter. 2 hari kemudian tuh bapak udh lewat lagi depan kostan gw sambil bawa kue qt bikinan istrinya .. Terharu gw man !! Ternyata dengan talenta basket yang kita punya Tuhan juga titipin sesuatu buat orang lain .. Mungkin berkat doa keluarga itu jugayang ngk henti2 sampe sekarang yang ngebuat karir gw bisa seperti ini .. Itu sebuah pelajaran berharga yang gw dapet dari main basket man ..
> 16. Apa cita-cita lu bro?
(Cita-cita gw pengen jadi ‘David Stern’nya streetball Indonesia .. :)
source :
He's such an Inspiration.
gue stuju bgt soal jwbn no 12.
no 15 mengharukan.. *tearing (apa si?)*
he's just cool.
I had to go to my room now. my Gran's here and she won't let me use the computer any longer. so.