Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

:) :) :) :)

sup readerss?? heeeeyyy
I'm so happy I wanna dance so badly.

so yasterday I went to MIS aand gueessss whaaaa??
I'm not even sure about my face color and my temperature.
i saw him smiling. he looks at mee aand ah ga ah ntar pada tau lagi. :P
I don't know why but it feel just awesome when I realized he hadn't forgot me


gue jg blm cerita ttg suatu cerita pas gue d MOS

jd ada ank. dititipin barang apaaa gt pas lg d mos
nah jd kan yg nerima kka osis. asumsi gue si nama tu anak
"alfredo bell" tapi yg d umumin mlh
gue langsung nutup mulut. kan ga asik aja gt klo gue ngakak ndiri.
"ALFRED OBEELL!!!! eh, alfred obeell??? hhahhahhha kok namany gt c? hha ALFRED OBEEEELLLL"
ngikik diem2 lah gue. abis ga tahaan!!!! namanya udah kyk gt d treakin lagii!!!
poor guy. steady there Budd.

teruuus apa ya? ooohh yaa


eh yaa buka Deviant art gueee pleeeeaseee??? baik deeeeh
*oh iya doong*

terus td gue bru tw. ternyataa osisny tuh dah susah2 bgtt buat ng-MOS angkatan gue.
jujur gue malu abis angkatan gue ADA YANG GAPAKE ATRIBUT SAMA SEKALI
yaampuun.. muka gueee hadooohhh gue wakilin deh buat semua anak angkatan gue

"maaf ya kaak!! kita dah nyusahin bgtt!!! makasiiiiiiihhh bgt. MOSny tuh keren bgt!!!"

*ternyata malah MOS putra paling seru. d Labsky ma MIS ga di apaapain yaampun.*

kereen bangeeettttt!!! aduuhhh seruuu ga rugi gue masuk putra!!!
anak anaknya seruuuuu
guru2nya kereeeeeeeeeeen
senior seniornya baiiikkk

so Damn "wow"

and I wrote something on quizilla


"at first I thought I don't like you anymore
feel kinda stipid for what I felt before
I mean, I Really do miss him Insanely
but being away with you doesn't hurt me that badly

but the second you looked at me in the eyes
that Lovebug sting me again. I've got hit.
your warm and deep eyes melts my ice cold heart
it's the Sensation I feel everytime our eyes meet

my heart warmed and melts as you stare
it beats faster and then I can start feeling it again
Love is a feeling that I could never Compare
I've got to see you again cuz I just couldn't handle the pain

I love you.
I miss you.
I need you.

and now. I'm addicted to you."





Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009


Sup Readers???
whoo!! hari terakhir MOS!!!
gue saking girangny nyampe pgn nari2 gjls. :P

gilaaa pengalaman ny asiiik!!!
yg MOSny g heboh kyk gini Rugiiiii!!!
kka Osisny c g Galak2 cma Tegas.
tapi kykny ad yg keenakan nyampe g pke atribut sama sekali.
Nyari Mati Abis Tu anak. :P

emg perauran sklhny heboh2 bgt.
superstrict. klo sikapny kyk pas d mis d sini dah d Skors ato lbih prah kli y??
tadi gue baca buku peraturany. NOO BAAD WOORRDDSS!!!
WHAT THE HECK?? mati deh guee..
tpi it justru jd challenge tersendiri*bwt gue c*

Displayny keren2~!!!
huaahh!!! tapiii kok basket ma futsal gada displayny???
kan bis show murid2 baru beberpa move.
ngajak tanding ank bru kek.
msa gada siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii????????
sedih gueee yah tpi gmna pun gue bkl msk basket
ktany basket tuh sering bgt tandingnyy!!!
*saking seruny nyampe ngomong g napas*

trs tdi ad beberapa kejadian lucuuuuuuuuuuu bgt
dan jujur. td tuh yg soal angket2 osis. wow. parraah
trs tdi kykny ad beberpa gosip jg
*gue lg gmn pun kuping tetep d pasang*
tpi yg ngebosenin? kok ttg ka Bintang smua c?
GAHH gada co laen? ap ank2 pda ska dy??
yaampunn. *tpi klo pda ska kok dy dpt "terculun"d angket?*
Girls ARE Complicated.
EHH!!! dan gue ngasi surat k dy waktu it bkn krn
gue ska dy ato mikir dy pling mending dri pda osis laen!!
klo gue trying to impress someone ngapaen gueksih dy
selembar kertas berisi tulisann kta2 ternorak yg bisa gue bikin??
yah. jd buat *beeeeeeeeeeeep* *beeeeeeeeeep* ma *beeeeeeeeeep*
(nama d sensor demi keamanan org yg berangkutan) BACA TUHH!!
gue tetep ska ma .. well, "him" yg dulu.
kykny dlm waktu deket ini gue bkl k MIS. mo ngasih tulisan2
pesankesan.. ma "Look after my
heartI've left it with you.

hhahh!!! boong2 g se dramatic itu kli. tenseny gausah naik gituu!!
tpi emg si yahh hahhhahha



Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

Love Letter

Sup Readers?

hmm gue td dpt tugas ngasi surat cinta k OSIS cwo.
aduh. perut leher tgn kaki ma bahu gue langsung brasa aneh.
trs keringet dingin.
"hah?! surat cinta!? gimana bikiny??"
gue jg g trlalu afal nama osis cwo.
nak krn afaf kmaren d suruh blg osis bernama bintang baik.
jd gue ingetny dia. yauda lah. gue tulis surat k dy. baruuu seleseee

krn ad beberpa yg wonders isiny gmn(ha? gada?), nih.


For K Bintang

My Insecurities are my Fault
My love will always be Yours
My Heart is locked like a Vault
But With Writing it’s an open door

Hope you could Understand the Pain I feel
And Realize Why
I’d try to explain but it’s so surreal
Hurts so much it makes me want to cry

And when you smile I can See the night Sky
Hiding in your eyes that both glows like stars

“My Reason to Know Love
My angel from above
You are my light
You give me sight
And for that reason
I Love You”

“Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate”



Done. thx for people that have been helping me to get a good mood.
and thx for afaf and nanda. so then I remembered.
"I'm not the only one that would look silly tomorrow."


and I felt a SO MAJOR SUPER sorry. almost all of those words are actually dedicated to "him"
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh---------I miss Him.



Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009


hey sup readers?
so, I actually Dreamt about MJ.
seinget gue si. gue liat dia NTN MEMORIAL DIA DARI SKY ABOVE.
Billions of people crying their eyes out for him.
at first. he looks sad when he saw his Children yg msii kcil2.
trs dia liat fans2ny yg lg nangis2 jg.
dia liat tmen2 dia.
kluarga dia.
he smiles when Jermaine sang "Smile".
he sings too when Jermaine sings "Smile".
he sings when everybody sings "We are The World".
he sings when everybody sings "Heal the World".
he saw the world said they Love him, They miss him, and so much more.
expresiny g bsa d tebak. trs dy blg
"thank you, thanks everybody, I Love you too, Thank you..."
he thank everybody, he said that he loves his fans too.
mukany bener2 face of an angel. dia kykny terharu bgt.
nyampe Tearing. he smiles like an angel.
as Beautiful and Calming as the Sky.
he also give some quotes

"In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We'll Cry
Happy Tears


"Keep on Smiling
even When your Heart is Aching."

"I Love You all. Thanks for Everything, I Love you----"
and then he Fades Away.

*g, mxt gue gambar2 d mimpi it fades away.
bukan MJny yg ngelakuin Move Fade Away.*

"he's a Prince that came out of a fairy tale book.
he's a cupid that always spreads love everywhere.
he's a Wave of Peace that calms people down.
he's an angel.

trs gue bangun. ade gue ternyata Nimpuk Gue Pake bola Basket gue yg gue taro d Kamar.
Aduh. Sialan. yonaaa!! you.... TYKE!!!!

I really Miss My Friends.

Afaf Nanda Nerissa Nabila Tamara Alyssa Zahwa Faiz Rais Adhi Alfin Faqih Althaf Chandra Fadhil Mirza Abdul.



he's not online Today.
I miss Him SO Much.


Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

MJ's Memorial.

hey sup Readers?
few days ago. Thousands Pairs of eyes watched MJ's memorial. are yours one of em?
jd gue ma nyokap ntn. yah, tpi nyokap g trlalu konsen. gue yg nyampe kyk mtany dah d paku k TV.
gue yg udah nahan2 g nangis. pas Brooke Shields Speech?
pertahanan gue AMBRUK. nyokap gue lg chating nyampe kget gue ng-Sob2 depan TV.
gue pas liat itu d cut nyampe langsung kyk "HUANJIIIIINGG!!!!!!"
"HUHU GGA P,PUNNNYAA H,HHATIII!!!" Sambil nge Sob Tentunya.
gue jujur jg rada sakit pas bagian Usher nyanyi. nangiiiis
trs pas Kobe Bryant ma Magic Johnson. wow. cool. so freaking cool.
yang ikuut!!! gue ngiriiii!!!! hhuhuhuhuuu!!!
gue bener2 bengong pas dia main gitarny Human nature.
feelingny k rasa bgt!!! and I always Love that song.
slese main performanceny john Mayer? NANGIS LAGI

ah! cengeng lo ken!
Bodo! susah?
Iya! knp!


In Our Darkest Hour
In My Deepest Despair
Will You Still Care?
Will You Be There?
In My Trials
And My Tripulations
Through Our Doubts
And Frustrations
In My Violence
In My Turbulence
Through My Fear
And My Confessions
In My Anguish And My Pain
Through My Joy And My Sorrow
In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
I'll Never Let You Part
For You're Always In My Heart.
- Will You Be There

I'm so glad That I found You
- I'll Be There

and then I realized.
He was Even More Fragile Than I thought.
- Brooke Shields' Speech (book : the little prince)

his Laugh, was the sweetest, the purest, and the most beautiful thing.
seeing his smile Everything's Gonna Be okay
- Brooke Shields' Speech.

Keep on Smiling
Even When Your Heart is aching.

and then I realized. he was even more angel-like than what I used to Thought.

and, believe it or not,
teruss! ktany Magic Johnson pernah main k rmh MJ
trs mkan KFC bareng sambil siting on the floor.

NGIRIII!!! *sabar ken*

and, some people, right now, Gossiping Bout Prince Hating his Father just Because he ate Gum at the show.
I think it's okay, sometimes, chewing helps me hide my feelings (weird, I know)
and just lik ewhat I said on my Facebook Status.

"PEOPLE!! why did you Judge Prince? I think it's Rational for Trying To hide your emotions. and HE"S A GUY. would you be seen as a Guy that Cries in Front Of the WORLD?? anyway, his eyes are a little bit red. isn't that bad enough loosing MJ? should he be gossiped TOO? use your Fucking Heads People!!"

agak jahat emg, tpi, yah. emosi si :D

daan dia OL tdi. aaaaawwh!! *apasi?*
gosh, Gue kgn diaaa!!


Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Stupid Questions.

Sup Readers?

I wanna let you know that, I'm in Love with Kevin Wu's Videos.
so I Decided to put something here. this one is from his video called "Stupid questions"

You know when you're young.
your teacher or your coach go tells you stuffs like,
"don't be afraid to ask. there's no such things as stupid questions."
that's retarding! well, of course, there's such thing as a Stupid questions
for example the other day. I was Playing Basketball right?
one time, I went up to grab a rebound. but, as I was Coming Down.
I landed awkwardly on my 2 ankles. So I'm like a Drama Queen Okay?
as I was Falling to the ground. I yelled out "Aaa!!! MY ANKLES!!!"
you know, Try to make it Obvious. I guess my friends catch on that I was hurt.
because one of them came up to me and ask
"is there something wrong?"
"no, no, NOTHING's Wrong.you're in the middle of a
Basketball game. I just like to Randomly Cry in Pain"

so Einstein over here finally figured out that there's something wrong. so then he asked
"uuuuhhh... what part is bothering you?"
what are you? an Idiot? both my hands, are Grabbing my ankle.
and, and I even yelled out "AA! MY ANKLE!!" as I was Falling.
FINALLY he was like
"okay, I guess you're hurt. I'm gonna go find an Ice Pack or something. to help your ankle"
"uuhh.. thanks!"
hhahah god Bless you Kev. for being such a Patient Human :P
and so I found this comment from one of his fans

Gam3rKidd (22 hours ago)

hahaha! this reminds me of the time at school our teacher was telling us a story and he was saying "I was listening to the radio on the way to work yesterday morning..." then a student raised his hand and asked "Sir, where do you work?"

and there's a part that he told us that one tinme. He wanted to brush his teeth. and he asked his friend
"hey, Dude. can I borrow your toothpaste?"
and he was like "...............what for?"
"for my armpits. okay, I need tooth paste, for my armpits. isn't that what we use toothpaste for?"

so next time your teacher told you that there's no such thing as an Stupid Question. ask him
"can you take off the pants? is that a stupid question?"

no, no he's kidding. don't really ask them to take off their pants.


Edward's Diary.

sup readers?

I found something today on bellasdiary.com.

Dear Diary (Edward’s Diary)

July 4, 2009

I couldn’t have prepared myself enough for how deeply consumed I would become with reading Edward’s Diary. It’s been absolutely heartbreaking reading the black book with the red ribbon wrapped around it. The one from before Edward met me.

I’m not ready to post one of his diary entries yet, but one quote from what I’ve read so far has stood out more so than anything I’ve read so far -more than anything Edward has ever said.

“The days flow into the nights. There’s no separation between the two. I have nothing to live for - yet here I am, a blood-thirsty immortal. A vampire. I wish Carlisle would have let me slip away, let me die. I was only a few breaths away from resting in peace, forever. Instead, I’m stuck here, trying to figure out what the point of my existence is exactly. Trying to fight my urges - wanting nothing more, yet nothing less than to be a masochistic monster. Although I know Carlisle had good intentions, I also know for certain that I have no intentions of living forever. My destruction wont be easy, but in the end, I know I cannot live in this dark, lonely world forever. Nothing will stop me from eventually abandoning this perplexing, abstruse existence of mine. Nothing.”

When I think of a world without Edward, all I see is a dark, black hole. Nothingness. It’s hard to digest the fact that Edward could have had himself destroyed, and that what we have could have so easily never existed. Renesmee… immortality… eternal love…none of this would have happened. If I never would have met Edward, I wouldn’t have ever known what unconditional love was. I would have never known what it’s like to love someone so much, that you’d give your life for them. To be with them, always.

Reading Edward’s diary, so far, has made me appreciate him more than ever - if that’s even possible. My understanding of the things he has had to ensure is becoming more and more clear with each page I read. Edward’s writings are so powerful, so profound. It was all written a long time ago, too - and it can be hard to understand at times, but Edward helps me with the parts that aren’t clear to me.

Earlier today, Jacob was visiting - spending time with Renesmee, of course. Edward and Alice went to go look at this years Porsche Turbo’s together, which meant I had some time alone to kill. In that time, I managed to read a rather large chunk of the black book that had the red ribbon on it - that I now use as a bookmark. I stumbled across one entry of his that I would like to share with you next time I write.

For now, I’m going to see what Charlie’s up to. I think he was mentioning something about him and I hunting together. I have to admit, it’s odd when bonding with your Dad goes from sharing a pizza and running through the days events at the dinner table, to tackling wild animals and drinking their blood together.


td gue liat something d Youtube yg kyk nanya2 ttg if you could have a superpower. what would you be?" d Youtube Live.
pas bagian KevJumba

Kev: I would like to be able to...Fly.
guy: Okay, so if you could fly. where would you go?
GUe: Fly...Fly... Flyyyy........... To your heaarrrt...*dgn gjlsny*

gosh. i missed him. as I told people on Facebook. I spoke Song.

"Well how long, can I go on like this,
Wishing to kiss you,
Before I rightly explode?


"Well all I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me"

I missed him SO much.
I missed everybody so much.
I had a Lot of things to say;
I love you. I miss you. ect.

"when will I see your Face Again?"



Minggu, 05 Juli 2009


Sup Readers?
jd td gue ntn Blade of Glory.
pas bagian ntn videony gue tuh kyk terkagum2 gjls gt pas liat Video Iron Lotus.
yah. pretty much like this.

*girl and Guy jumps*
Gue :Whooaaaa............
*Girl and Guy Landed*
Gue :Whooaaaa............
*girl's head Fell off*

I cried.

what should a 11 year old girl feel after seeing THAT Death scene?
it looks more dramatic if you seen it from a big screen LIKE A TV

and. so. I found this guy. his name was Kevin Wu.
he was cute. he was funny. he was cruel. he was AWESOME.
open my Facebook (Links) if you wanna see his video. it called "girl are just like M&Ms"
you also could look for him on wikipedia. using his stage name. "KevJumba"


Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009


sup readers?
I found something silly on youtube today.
comment on one of MJ's Video

exacerbatedtaboo (8 hours ago) Show Hide

I'm not anti Michael Jackson and I don't believe he harmed any kids but you'll never convince me Lisa Marie and him actually ever had sex while they were "married". Sorry but you won't convince me of that. I do like this song though.

PinkyxOmgg (8 hours ago)

Why would anyone even want or CARE to prove to you that they had sex?
What the hell, you sound silly.

Anyway, they were married for 2 years. I can't imagine a young couple not having sex for that long.


I think it's stupid and I'm agreed with PinkyxOmgg


trs ad jg yg blg

"why did MJ married to Lisa Presley?" ato ap gt

trs jwbny

"that because he couldn't marry Elvis Presley you Fool!!"

world has gone crazy. whatever. my life sucks without him.
I misses him, I misses MJ. I Misses all of my Classmates.
I misses my teachers. I misses My Juniors and Seniors
*even some of 'em I haven't even talk to*
I misses suara2 brisik yg bkl ng-welcome gue tiap gue kluar kls.
I misses everybody's Shouts. Screams. and Yells.
gue kgn suara ank2 nendang bola.
gue kgn suara bola basket yg d dribble d lpangan sempit madina
*biasany bola gue d colong ma ade kls, d balikiny kapan tau.*
gue kgn suara mba kantin & mba ria nagihin bon.
tpi pling kangen? gue kangen suara dia lg ktawa.
hh. I misses everybody like crazy.
kmaren gue dah berhasil dan g numpahin air mta smpe sblm tidur.
hri ini? not so well. td gue liat nma dy d banner HP gue dan..
here they goes. shit. well,


Jumat, 03 Juli 2009


Sup readers?
I wanna Share you Guys some music.
so I found this song on Channel V. I think it's Awesome!!

The Show - Lenka

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause its to much, yeah its a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool, out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spot light
The people follow the signs
And synchronize in time

It's a joke, nobody knows
they've got a ticket to the

Yeah, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know, I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show
dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show
da dum de dum, da dum de dum
and just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

hooh. I'm Worrying about "him" right now. g ol2 si. hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh!!! ngeseliiinn!
gue tuh campur aduk bgt deh.
ya kangen. ya khawatir. ya pgn k toilet(loh?) eh slh2!!
pkokny campur aduk deh!!
gue boseeeeeeeeeeen bgt d rmh. mikiriny dy mulu.
Dasar Lo Perfect Guy. well actually he's not that perfect.
some even said he's ugly. yah. iyaa jg si..
tpi gue rsany lupa smua it. lupa smua slack dy pas
liat senyum dy. mata dia. muka dy.
denger ktawa dia. suara dia.

haaah!!! udahudah!!! bikin org makin kgn aj! *syp jg?*

eh? kok g rame ya?

*brisik lo ken*

ah udah deh. cape gue


Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

Sup Readers??
so I'm ADDICTED to 2 lovely song right now.

so I get you guys the Lyrics.

somewhere Over The Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can't I
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can't I?


I've never gone with the wind, just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Til you open the door, there's so much more
I've never seen it before
I was trying to fly but I couldn't find my wings
But you came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier

I watched from a distance as you made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe.

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier oh

Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier crazier crazier crazier crazier

now. QUOTES!!!!
Addressed to him--of course--.
skalian Clue syp dy :P

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true
-Somewhere Over The Rainbow

yaah. dia kan Dreamer

Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore


I watched from a distance as you made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe.


he do show me something
yg dluny gw cma bsa "look" tpi skrg dah gue udah "see"

yaudah lah
