Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

turut berduka cita

Inalilahi wa inailaihi raji un
turut berdukacita atas meninggalnya Attar Sayid Ahmad Aththariq. adik dari Ipeh.

rasanya aneh dpt heartache untuk orang yang gue belom pernah temuin.

waktu gue baca status ipeh, gatau kenapa gue panik.
gue sadar ga mungkin ada update status dari Attar tapi gatau kenapa gue dapet urge untuk buka fb Attar,
untuk konfirmasi.

gue scroll down, gue baca wall2 terakhir di profile Attar. isinya goodbyes.

gue buka tab facebook gue lagi. gue diem. suddenly jari gue pgn bergerak.

jari gue ngetik:

"the world is filled with surprises. though some of them might be unpleasant, we need to keep moving forward. every unpleasant surprises gives you the most priceless lessons. every heartaches gives you a stronger and steadier heart. we should cherish every lesson cause the best lessons are given by your loved ones."

gatau kenapa gue ngerasa jadi orang terkotor di dunia.
kemaren gue isi dgn ketawa dan tidur.

gue ga abis pikir, kok bisa gue ketawa dan tidur while Attar, probably lagi berjuang ngelawan cancer hati.


udah berapa juta orang yang kalah ngelawan penyakit itu?
gue googled.
gue nyesel. harusnya dari awal gue gausah google itu.
gue gatau tadi gue mikir apa. harusny gue tau,
dengan jumlahnya, gabakal does anything ke heartache gue.
malah makin sakit.

gue cape.
kayakny gue bakal butuh waktu untuk mend these pieces of my broken heart.
broken heart, yang bahkan gue gatau dari mana datengnya.

with shattered heart,
(salam baru, something like that. kayakny g pantes bilan jai zian di entry ini.)

1 komentar:

  1. Ken, I felt the same thing when my bro's friend died... we were happily laughing and watching fate stay night when he died because of a gunshot at the same moment... you remember the incident? it was when there's this boy in front of quantum that got shot... right, that was my bro's friend...
