location: school (few hours ago)
condition: Milla Salsa Fira and I are working on our assignment. it was late.
we're worried if one of the teachers would come and scold us for staying so late at school.
Fira : eh kalo ternyata ada pak *gue belom izin make nama* gmn? ntar dimarahin loh
syp gt: iya ntar di marahin "kalian ngapain masih di kelas?? pulang sana" dll
syp gt: "udah sore pulang sana lagian knp g dari kmrn selesein tugasny pulang sana"
gue: *respond k omongan yg gue denger. refleks. g nyadar lagi konsen* yah elah, bapak.
*semua nengok*
location: Fira's
condition:working on the same assignment, few days ago.
Fira: kalo nyokap gue dtg tau kita lg dengerin lagu ntar dikirany g ngerjain tgs loh.
rame2: yaudah ntar kita pasang tampang serius aja/ dikecilin aja/ dll
Fira: ntar kalo nyokap gue dtg kita pura2 belajar ya*emg sebenerny belajar* ntar kalo d tanyain lg apa pura2 belajar.
someone: jadi kalo d blg " kalian lagi ngapainn????" jawabny--
hampir semuanya: PURA PURA BELAJAR, TANTEEEE!!!!!!!*stupid*
location: Fira's
condition: milla and I are staying at fira's. we're watching attack on the pin up boys. near the ending of the movie, there's a scene of kibum and donghae. donghae binging a shit shaped plush and put it on top of kibum's head. kibum took it off and play with it. holding it in his hands while talking to donghae.
Fira: mill, cowok lo yg mana sih?
Milla: yg megang tai cowok gue.
Kenny: ... *felt something's not right*
#for those who still doesn't understand the joke, it was supposed to be "cowok gue yg megang/mainin boneka tai." you know, in primary school there are jokes like "yg ga cepet lari pacarnya ~~~~" when you want everyone to run or else everyone will amke a joke of the loser and the ..victim, dating. milla said "yg megang tai cowok gue!!" like he want the guys to hold shits and then they'll be her namja chingu(boyfriend) or else....
location: school's health center
condition: milla and i aren't feeling so well so since there are no teacher in out class. we decided to rest in the health center. we were reading fanfics. we were talking about how onkey fanfics are weird like they say " key: i wanted a baby. onew: lets sleep." thats really funny. the thing is the weren't meant to say that they'll sleep together,, you know. but i just sounded like that.
Milla: ada yg lebih aneh lagi, kayak onew ketemu key tau2 bilang " SLEEP WITH ME NOW"(she said "sleep with me now" but somehow it sounded like "sipitmingaw" we need to keep our vioces reeeaaaalll low because there are another kids in the health center)
Kenny: huh? onew blg apa?
Milla: dia blg"sipitmingaw"(sleep with me now)
Kenny: ...siput pinggang....?
Milla: kata onew "SLEEP.WITH.ME.NOW" goblokkkk
both: *unable to keep our voices low anymore. laughing like shit.*
location: school
condition: salsa fira milla and i are talking about... boys.(what? it's unavoidable!)
Fira: gue pengen punya anak!
salsa: bikin sana sama cowok lo.
salsa: cowok fira kan ada 2. emg cowok lo ada brp mil??
Milla: 4...
Salsa: nah elo juga banyak, bikin sono.
Milla: eh kalo ditambah bokap gue jadi 6.
salsa&I: *died laughing*
#for those who doesn't get the joke.
1. salsa thought milla count his dad as two she wondered how big is milla's dad*stpd!*
2. i laughed mostly because milla mentioned her dad. after salsa told her to . . . ya know with her namja chingus.
still the same scene...
fira/salsa: kenny cowok lo berapa?
Kenny : 15... EH?? *kok tau2 gue tajir cowok.. padahal 5 detik sebelumny gue masih free..?*
well that's some of the .. bizarre things going on around.
since NOBODY comented on my last entry*sobsobsobsob*
i decide it on my own.
Zai Jian!
Jumat, 09 April 2010
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